Tuesday 10 May 2016

Portion Control and Weight Loss Hypnosis

Weight Loss Hypnosis Nottingham
One of the very first sessions that we usually conduct with our clients involves portion control. We know that so many dieters believe that they know what to eat but in most cases they are simply eating way too much of the problem foods that are causing them to put on weight. With hypnotherapy we are helping our clients reconnect to the feelings of hunger or fullness rather than eating out of habit, boredrom or emotional eating. In order to do this our weight loss hypnosis in Nottingham tends to use mindful eating to help make changes to portion sizes.

Lose Weight with Mindful Eating

Take a moment and think about your last few meals. That could mean your breakfast, lunch, evening meal or even snacks. Now think about how much time you took over your meal and what were you doing at the same time as eating. I bet when you really think about it you will find that in many cases you were either eating in a rush or multi tasking and doing something else at the same time. One of the biggest issues we have noted is that hardly anyone sits down properly to eat and enjoy their food anymore. Instead they will be eating at their desk whilst their mind is on their work or they will eat their dinner in the evening in front of the television whilst they switch off in front of the television.

Switching off is the term to note here. When you sit in front of the TV and concentrate on a film or programme how much time are you spending listening to you body? When you are engrossed in your emails whilst you are eating your sandwich at work how do you recognise whether you are hungry or full?  In both of these cases your mind has a focus on everything but the food that you are eating. That means that you are finding it impossible to pick up the signals as to whether you are hungry or full. Put a takeaway in front of you whilst you are watching Saturday night television and you will eat significantly more than if you were to eat that food whilst you were alone and concentrating on every mouthful.

Our programs for weight loss hypnosis in Nottingham concentrate on reconnecting you to you body and taking you away from the day to day distractions that are stopping you understanding what your stomach is trying to tell you. Now that you are paying attention to what is going on in your body start to think about a hunger scale of 1 to 10. 1 means that you are not really hungry at all whilst 10 means that you are starving. From now on you want to be eating at level 6 or 7 and that is usually when your stomach starts to growl indicating that it needs some food. How many times in the past month have you eaten when you were only a level 2 or a 3? In fact for many people they will never have experienced a point where their stomach growls anymore because they will have kept on filling it long before it got to that point. Mindful eating helps you to focus on when your stomach is giving you the signal to eat.

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy and Food Quality

The great thing about hypnosis is that through the use of positive suggestion, reinforcement and visualisation it is possible to amplify feelings which can help you to focus on your portion sizes so that you eat less. For example making you think about the quality off the food that you are eating. This might mean helping you to imagine eating only small portions of really good quality food instead of mounds of horrible cheap highly processed meals. We know that our clients are worth more than a bad takeaway and cheap chocolate.

Aversion hypnosis can also help your mind to react to certain foods so that they begin to repel you. Lets say that you love to eat too many crisps. Then your hypnotherapist may start to suggest to you that from now on you are only going to concentrate on the oil that is contained within the crisps. That this fatty oil which is in your mouth is now coating your tongue and gullet and oozing and spreading down into your stomach. Part of this oil is going to harden and solidify in your body into yellow lumps of fat. Many people who experience this form of hypnosis will now look at crips in an entirely different way and actually have no desire to eat them any more. These suggestions can be compounded with audios that we give to our clients between each session. Our Kill Food Cravings mp3 for example is great at helping our clients to resist the temptation of foods that they know they don't need.

Thinking about the last time you were really full under hypnosis can also help to trigger feelings of fullness much quicker. We have all had times where we have eaten so much that we felt like we could burst. Perhaps after a celebration dinner or when we have eaten something rich. If under hypnosis we get you to think about this moment those same bloated sick feelings start to reappear. Now if we tell you that you are much more conscious of what you are eating that you will experience this feeling quicker than before your subconscious will help you to avoid the same horrible feelings. This means it can help to stop eating much sooner when you are eating so that you end up leaving food on your plate.

Our weight loss hypnosis in Nottingham uses these techniques and many more as part of our programs to help our clients regain control of their eating patterns. If you read about our Gastric Band Hypnotherapy sessions this form of hypnosis is just a small example of the techniques and strategies we use to help our clients. We are always happy to give our clients as much detail as they need to help them decide whether this form of hypnosis will be useful to them. Simply give us a call and we will be happy to answer your questions.

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