Wednesday 9 November 2016

Does Hypnosis Work for Weight Loss?

Weight Loss Hypnosis Newark
In short yes it does but often not in the way that our clients expect. For the average person calling us for hypnotherapy to lose weight they are expecting a one session Harry Potter session of magic where we change a life time of eating patterns in one hour. Whilst hypnosis can be fast and life changing we usually need a little bit more time. Typically our weight loss hypnosis is completed in programs usually lasting from three to five sessions. Now that is still fast but it is certainly no one session wonder.

So what do we do in our sessions that can make such a difference to our clients weight.

No Diets

First of all none of our programs put you on a conventional diet. Why? Because we know they don't work and most of our clients will have tried one after another to lose weight and they often end up back worse than where they started. Our job is to take that pressure away from your mind. That means no cutting out food groups, drinking shakes, surviving on salads or counting points. Through hypnosis we work with you to rediscover your natural eating patterns which have been ignored for years.

Self Hypnosis for Weight Loss

This uses similar techniques to those of elite athletes. Positive visualisation and suggestions to boost your willpower, motivation so that you can see success. When these techniques are used repeatedly the messages enter into the subconscious and start to create new patterns of behaviour. We have a full range of self hypnosis for weight loss audios available in our online shop which can be used for everything from portion control to helping food cravings.

Weight Loss Hypnotherapy Newark


We are not the right people to come and see if you want to lose two stone super fast for that wedding you are going to. Yes of course if you starve yourself you will lose weight but then it will all go back on again. Weight loss takes time and we never want to rush it. Let nature do its job and stop trying to create artificial results that won't last. We work slowly and steadily with you allowing natural weight loss to take place.


Lost your mojo? Procrastinating and sitting on the sofa instead of heading out for some exercise? Believe it or not weight loss hypnosis can help to boost your motivation and willpower and discover and unconscious reasons why you have decided to not make positive changes. When we uncover those reasons therapy allows us to overcome these tired thought patterns so that you move forward again.


If you want to pass your driving test you hire a driving instructor. If you want to learn how to dance you go to a dance school. In almost all cases you don't do things alone. This is why it makes total sense to get support from an expert to discuss the problems that are holding you back so that you can both find a way to overcome your problems.

Changing Behaviour Patterns

In cases of emotional eating your mind is making you eat for a good reason. You might not understand that that may be but your subconscious does. Hypnosis is a way of communicating with your subconscious to find out what the problem is. So are you eating because you are upset, anxious, guilty, angry or even happy? Weight loss hypnotherapy can help you to find the connections and alter the way that you think.

Need Weight Loss Help?

Do you want more information about hypnosis and how it can help you to make positive change? Call us today for more information on how we use weight loss hypnosis to help our clients shed the pounds on 01636 650 521