Monday 9 November 2015

Six Ways Our Weight Loss Hypnotherapy in Nottingham Can Help You To Shape Up

weight loss hypnotherapy nottingham
Many people think of weight loss hypnotherapy as some form of magic bullet that will help them instantly shed the pounds after one session. Now whilst hypnosis can create amazing results it is more complex than people think. Generally one session is nowhere near enough to solve a life long problem with food. However when weight loss sessions are tailored into a program they can really help a person to understand why they are overeating and find strategies for change. Just some examples of the ways hypnosis can help include.

1) Using Positive Visualisation - Every Olympic athlete now uses this tool in preparation for their events and even whilst they are competing. Athletes understand that having a positive mental attitude can make the difference between success and failure. Now if it is good enough for them then it is good enough to be used in the therapy room. At our clinics we bombard our clients with positive messages from the start. We use them in our sessions and in the audios we give our clients. If we discover that our clients have entered into a pattern of negative thining then we show them ways to change. Believing that you can create a lifestyle change is half the battle.

2) Taste and Smell - When a client enters a certain depth of hypnosis we are able to enhance their senses. People in trance are able to visualise food as if it is in front of them. They are able to small the food and see the texture. Now if there is a food stuff that they do not like we can play on these senses to associate that food with foods that they normally crave. Today I had a client who hated liver. One of the things we did in todays session was get her to think about overeating and associating the taste of liver with that sensation. This should help her to switch off the cravings really quickly when she comes across temptation.

3) Mindfulness - Our lives now are very different to years ago. We no longer take our time over our meals and when we eat we are usually distracted by other things. How many times have you eaten your meals in front of the tv or whilst browsing on a tablet. When we run our weight loss hypnotherapy Nottingham sessions we go back to basics and teach our clients to eat without distraction and to pay attention to their food. One of my clients did this for one week and lost six and a half pounds!

4) Managing Emotions - Food is used by many as a comforter or a soother. If they are feeling upset, angry, frustrated or anxious food is often the thing they turn to in order to make themselves feel better. Of course the food does not deal with the underlying emotion and the problem remains! We help our clients to recognise emotional eating and find alternative strategies for dealing with the problem.

5) Portion Control - Understanding when you are hungry and when you are full is a real problem for many people. So many clients come in to our clinic and tell us that they never feel full. The truth of the matter is that they all know when they are full they just choose to eat past that point. Under hypnosis the subconscious can signal exactly where that point is and what made the person continue overeating. With practice this unconscious awareness can enter the consciousness and change eating patterns. We even give our clients a portion control download so they can practice this self hypnosis a at home.

6) Cravings Control - The mind is like a muscle and with practice is can be taught to manage cravings. Just as Pavlov's dogs salivated when a bell rang humans have build the same associations. Perhaps the signal for us is associating a cup of tea and biscuits or a cafe with eating cake. Now we only have to see the cup of tea and instantly we crave the biscuits as we believe they go hand in hand. Hypnosis can help to break these associations.

For more details about our weight loss hypnotherapy in Nottingham visit our website or call us today for a free telephone consultation.

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